Saturday, September 19, 2009
Yummy Find
This morning we headed to the Palafox Farmer's Market like most Saturday mornings. There's nothing better than grabbing some fresh produce and baked goods from great local farmers and bakers. There are only a few Saturday's left till they close up for the year and there weren't many farmer's there this morning. We still managed to grab a couple of eggplants and try some yummy samples. Liam has a keen eye for samples and spotted a stand we hadn't been to in the past. To our delight it was the Nuts Over Toffee stand. One delicious taste and we were in LOVE! Liam and I quickly agreed we needed a bag of the dark chocolate covered toffee. HEAVEN! Check out the website. The packaging if fabulous and it would make a fantastic gift. I would have taken a picture but we tore into the bag before I had the chance!
Sunday, September 13, 2009
What Would Brian Boitano Make?
I am in LOVE with the new Food Network show "What Would Brian Boitano Make." Brian Boitano is GREAT! Not only is he funny but he's real. If you haven't seen his new show you are missing out. He made a great white wine sangria today and I have to make it for my upcoming Mom's Night In courtsey of Sargento Salad and Potato Finishers and
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
First Day of Preschool
Monday, September 7, 2009
Blog Name Suggestions
Now that the LeCroy's are embarking on this great new adventure, I feel I need to start a new family blog. When I started this blog I intended for it to be for me and my craziness, but the family has taken over. Either I change the name of this blog and it's direction or just start a new one for our family adventures. The second option seems to be my most preferred because I know I am going to need this blog for venting, recipes, and my new Domestic life in England.
Last night while I laid awake I tried thinking of clever names for the new blog. Most of the ones that popped into my head didn't have much zing or pizazz! I would love your help. That is if there's anyone actually reading this blog. Post some suggestions for my new blog. I would love the help and will give full credit to the person that comes up with the winning title.
Sunday, September 6, 2009
Get the Passports Ready!
It's offical friends. The LeCroy's will be moving to the United Kingdom! Mike will be working at Lakenheath RAF Base till October 2012. We are all very excited and quickly trying to prepare for such a HUGE move! Mike has already sold his beloved Jeep and the motorcycle has a possible buyer. Now we are a one car family and it stinks! Thankfully we shouldn't have to share long. Mike will be leaving at the end of September and Liam and I are planning for a December 31st departure. Keep your fingers crossed that Mike will find a great rental house with room for plenty of visitors!
Mike and I quickly realized we are running out of time for those places we haven't been yet. The USS Alabama was one of those places we have been wanting to take Liam. The visit was short but at least we can say we have been. Seems they were having power issues and the power went out to the whole facility. Thankfully we were just inside the door and not in the belly of the ship like some. Not much in the way of emergancy lighting. After leaving the USS Alabama we were pretty hungry and very hot so we headed into Mobile. Just another LeCroy Adventure with an unknown destination. We lucked out and grabbed a yummo lunch and after I decided to check out Magnolia Cemetery. Mike was a little curious. Apparently, even after all these years, he didn't know I love old cemeteries. Magnolia Cemetery is the second oldest in Mobile and had some great head stones, statues and mausoleums. Liam enjoyed his first cemetery visit.

Mike and I quickly realized we are running out of time for those places we haven't been yet. The USS Alabama was one of those places we have been wanting to take Liam. The visit was short but at least we can say we have been. Seems they were having power issues and the power went out to the whole facility. Thankfully we were just inside the door and not in the belly of the ship like some. Not much in the way of emergancy lighting. After leaving the USS Alabama we were pretty hungry and very hot so we headed into Mobile. Just another LeCroy Adventure with an unknown destination. We lucked out and grabbed a yummo lunch and after I decided to check out Magnolia Cemetery. Mike was a little curious. Apparently, even after all these years, he didn't know I love old cemeteries. Magnolia Cemetery is the second oldest in Mobile and had some great head stones, statues and mausoleums. Liam enjoyed his first cemetery visit.
First Camp Out
On Thursday night, Mike and Liam decided to try their first backyard camp out. We really wanted to go to a park but Liam had a bad cold. The boys set up the tent and got all set for bed but only lasted 2 hours! Apparently it was just too loud outside for Liam. They still had a great time and I guess that's all that matters!