Since Liam was born almost 4 years ago (April 2006), Mike has only lived with us full time for +/- 2 years. Mike has always been a very hands on Dad when home and Liam has ALWAYS been a daddy's boy. They are like two peas in a pod. (Does that make me the pod?) Now that we are all together again (and have one car) our morning routine is very different from anything we have ever experienced. All three of us need to be up, dressed, feed and in the car by 0730 to get Mike to work on time. In an ideal world I would be up early, showered, dressed, make up on and making a hot and nutritious breakfast. In our house that isn't reality. Mike and Liam are both up at either 0630 or 0700 while I struggle to get out of bed. Mike is dressed and getting Liam breakfast while I am brushing my teeth and trying to find something to wear. I do grab Liam's clothes and toothbrush from upstairs but Liam demands Mike get him dressed and brush his teeth. Apparently I brush too hard and rush him to get dressed to quickly. Mike also usually pack's Liam's snacks for school and gets his shoes on. They usually are in the car waiting for me while I grab last minute stuff.
Yet again I am brutally aware that I will never be Super Mom/Wife. June Clever, Martha Stewart and Melanie Hostetler will always be unreachable role models. When I was thinking about all this I started to feel a little bad for my husband and all that he does. Then I remembered all that I have done and put up with while he worked away!