This is a public service announcement for the greater Pensacola area. There has been a new hole in the ozone layer detected over the E. Yonge St. area. Please be advised and wear extra sunscreen! Cleaning is one of my least favorite chores in the WHOLE world! Then again, I am sure it is the bane of most people's existence. I spent most of my day on Wednesday cleaning our new rental house. Unfortunately, I am not finished! For most people 5 hours would be enough to clean a house from top to bottom, but the fridge was so dirty it took me 45 min. I am half a gallon of bleach down and the place at least smells clean!
Liam was able to stay with my friend Brooke and her son Bryce all day. I can not tell you how wonderful it was to not have to deal with entertaining him while cleaning! She brought the boys over for lunch and when Liam walked in he said, "where the pool mommy?" I had been in the house for so long I didn't smell all the bleach! hahahaha!
Keep your fingers crossed I get the place clean before Saturday Move-In! Also keep your fingers crossed that most of our stuff will fit in this little house!