Every Mommy in the World is convinced their child is the cutest and sweetest in the whole world. We have the right considering all the hard work we put into having such adorable kids. Life with an adorable red head is a little different. Every single day of Liam's 30 month life have been filled with silly questions, having his hair touched by strangers and fawned over. I only wish I was making this up!
In a typical day we are usually asked "where do you get that beautiful red hair?", "do you have red hair in your family?" We have been followed through stores, stopped and chatted to for way to long about some strangers family history, had people hunt us down in a store so they could show their spouse or friend Liam's hair! I know I am sounding mean but he isn't a freak show. Some attention is great and I love having the cutest kid (in my opinion anyway) but he is really starting to hate the attention. This worries me because my dream is for him to be the Oscar Meyer Wiener kid!!!
In the last 6 months I have been making up stupid answers to some of the stupid questions we get and even have Liam answering sometimes. "Where do you get that red hair" the mailman! So funny hearing Liam say that... even though I am sure some people think it's horrible! But the newest answer might be my favorite and we can thank Aunt Megan and Uncle DJ for the inspiration! So the next time Liam is asked where he gets his red hair I hope his answer is...
Cheese balls!
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