I have found myself a little depressed after a quick trip to the fridge. This sadness has been brought on by a rare, but very serious alignment, L.B.O.W.S. (Leaky Box 'O Wine Syndrome) It was one week ago today that I opened my fridge and discovered a big puddle in front of my Box 'O Wine. The unusual yet wonderful aroma in the fridge confirmed what my eyes were seeing. Bob's days were numbered and I was for sure to loose at least one glass of wine.
In a one drinker household, the revolution of the box wine industry has been a god sent. Sure I can finish a bottle of wine by myself in one sitting, but it isn't pretty! There are plenty of pictures to prove the above. Technology has made it possible to cram 4 bottles of good wine in one box, and make it stay fresh for a month! Genius! The best part for me is that my favorite Box 'O Wine comes from TARGET! Yes ladies, that's right. In Pensacola, Fl I can stroll in to Target and pick up an outfit, diapers, accessories, toaster over, flowering shrub, flat screen TV and a BOX 'O WINE! Whoever says America is not a wonderful place to live has never been to Target!
Good Bye sweet Bob the Box 'O Wine. You have been a wonderful and steadfast friend. You have gotten me through many lonely stress filled nights, and helped me to ignore Liam's bad behavior. You will be missed my friend.
(And for those of you that know me...I will be calling the company to let them know my box leaked A LOT! Maybe I can get a coupon out of it!)
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