Friday, April 3, 2009

The Not So Great Substitute

  Every day we are confronted with how unhealthy we all are and how we all need to change! Change how we cook, eat, exercises.  If you know me very well you know how much I love junk food and fast food.  It's SO tasty!  Who doesn't like McDonald french fries?  Yummmmmm! Back to the point.  
  When I cook I try to cut out the good stuff where I can without effecting to yummy factor.  Egg beaters are a staple in our house and I use them in everything with no adverse affects.  Today, while making banana nut muffins, I decided to substitute applesauce for the oil.  I have seen it done and recommended over and over.  How bad could it be?  I first tried this in funfetti cupcakes.  Mike and I could tell the difference but Liam was none the wiser.  My biggest indicator that they were different you ask?  The cupcakes wouldn't come out of their little papers.  I could not figure out what I had done wrong.
  Today I found my answer...NO OIL!  Clever me and my applesauce practically ruined my banana nut muffins.  The beautiful little muffin made with love refuses to be freed from it's paper!  Today was the first day I have cussed at a muffin.  Sad isn't it?  No longer will I be substituting while baking just to cut fat.  There are some things you just shouldn't mess with!

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