With every birthday comes a trip to the doctor to get weighed and measured. Liam's statement to the nurse was "no shots please!" When I looked at the chart and figured out he didn't need any he danced around in his little gown singing "no shots, no shots ya ya ya!" He cracks me up! He passed all his little cognitive tests with flying colors and even gave the eye chart a shot. Liam found it amusing to make up shapes. He is in the 44Th percentile for his weight at 31lbs and only 14Th percentile for his height at 36 1/4 inches. The doctor is a little concerned about his height and suggested we start giving his miracle grow and hanging his by his toes at night. If all that doesn't help in 6 months we will have to get lifts for his shoes. The Dr. seemed to be OK with his weight even though it was a little below average. He said maybe I shouldn't fix so many balanced meals!
Kaleb will be 3 on August 5th and barring a growth spurt is exactly the same height and weight as Liam-- I've been working on actually easing up on my junk food issues a little so maybe he'll keep some weight on ....
Love his happy no shots dance!
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