Tuesday, April 7, 2009

I Have a Husband?

  Have you ever been a single, married mommy?  In the last 5 years I have had a whole lot of experience as a single married person and mommy.  Before Liam came along it was a lot of fun and I never really noticed Mike was gone till bedtime.  I lunched and dined with friends, shopped, and traveled.  Once Liam came along the appeal faded fast!  I know a lot of military mom's who have to deal with deployments every six months and they don't get to see their hubby's at all, so I can't complain that I got to see Mike every once in a while!  But it still sucks!  Especially when you didn't marry a military guy for this exact reason! hahahah!  
  Mike is finally home and now I have had to start the adjustment period.  Getting used to feeling someone else in my bed, being woken up early by an alarm clock and shower, cooking a full dinner, and dealing with Liam's behavior changes!  For some reason Liam does a complete 180 when Mike is home.  He refuses to sit and eat dinner because he knows he can scam Daddy into giving him a snack before bed.  The eye rolling and being mean to Mommy, braking established rules, and being different.  It's hard to train a husband to be a hard ass when he is all mush on the inside! hahahaha!  I have to hand it to him though because Mike is finally using the naughty corner and Liam's world is crashed when Daddy puts him there!
  To all those Single Married Mommies out there stay strong!  It will come to an end one day...and then the waiting for him to leave so you can get everything back to the way it was begins! hahahahaha!  Sometimes I think it's easier when they aren't home, but it sure is nice to not be alone.

1 comment:

Mandy (Smith) Johnson said...

In 3 short weeks I will join you as a single, married mom...something I never thought I would be. I may need some guidence!! Just holding onto the thought that this Air Force business will move us somewhere fun!