Saturday, July 11, 2009

When Fish Talk to 3 yr Olds...

Strange things seem to happen during nap time. Liam seems to think he is too big for naps but really he is just too busy! More often than not, I will hear lots of thumping, crashing, and jumping come from his room during this time. Today was no exception! Liam came shuffling out of his room.
The conversation went a lot like this: " Mommy. Mommy I gave Blue some food." What Liam? " I gave Blue too much food." (Mommy runs to Liam's room) Liam!!!! What did you do!!!???

***Picture a gold fish bowl with two inches of tiny pellet fish food covering the top, big plastic storage container flipped over next to bookshelves used to climb up, and an empty fish food container.***

(Mike rushes in and immediately whisks Blue to the kitchen for emergency extraction)

Liam that is how you kill a fish!!! (Liam immediately goes to the naughty corner without being told and precedes to scream and cry. 3 Min pass) Liam why did you do feed Blue? "Well Blue told me he was REALLY Hungry!" Liam fish don't talk " He told me with his bubbles that he was REALLY hungry mommy. So I gave him his food."

Needless to say that Blue will be staying in the living room for a while and we will be headed to the pet store for more food tomorrow.

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