Monday, January 24, 2011

luci card

Look at the super cute cards I made on shutterfly today! I can't get enough of this beautiful little face.

Brocade White Pink 5x7 folded card
Modern greeting cards and party invitations by Shutterfly.
View the entire collection of cards.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Post Independance Blues

    It has been a week since I have been further than 400 yards from home, 4 days since I have been outside the walls of the house, and about 30 minutes from loosing it! Liam and Luci have the chicken pox and have confined Luci and I at home. Mike has taken Liam out but only because he is in the healing stage and hasn't been contagious for a long while. Poor Luci has a face full of pox still and although not contagious, I don't want to take her out and about. Back in the day this would not have been a problem because I would have left the baby with Mike and gone out. I am finding that Breast Feeding has it's downfalls (for me). There is also a car issue to factor into this equation.

1 car + 1 working spouse - 1 kid that needs to be at school at same time as working spouse = 1 spouse left home sans wheels to walk said kid to school.

  When Liam was born my life didn't change much. I continued to go to lunch with friends, shop and be out and about. That was the bonus of having a baby at the end of April. I thought breast feeding was going to make my life a even easier because I wouldn't have to fuss with bottles and spend a small fortune on formula like with Liam. In the last three weeks I have learned that it's not quite so simple. You have the learning curve of figuring out how to BF successfully and feeling comfortable doing so in public. Luci and I are not there yet but the few times we have been out and about, she slept the entire time. While that was nice and stress free it made for a feed fest when we got home and she woke up. (And to all my BF friends I know you "shouldn't" go too long without feeding...blah blah. They were short trips.)
  Thankfully, I am now in possession of a breast pump and plan to start using it soon. I plan on going to London for a few days at the end of April for the Royal Wedding. Luci WILL be staying home because I don't think it would look good sleeping on the street overnight with a 4 month old. My fingers will be crossed that she is taking a bottle well by April.
  One day I hope I can go to the grocery store (Mike has been going), get a hair cut, grab coffee with friends, go out to lunch, or go shopping. Must be nice being Mike...he was playing poker last night till 2am with pals and is currently at baseball practice while I sit at home with the munchkins. You'd think he could at least bring me flowers once in a while to brighten my mood.

Pity Party is over. Time to switch the laundry over. **Sigh**

Thursday, January 13, 2011

The Brick Wall a.k.a. Liam

Liam is driving me NUTS! There have been tons of changes in our lives in the last few weeks and I expected Liam to have some issues but it's getting ridiculous! The constant whining and stomping around and crying over nothing has to end. If you have any suggestions I am open to taking them at this point.

I have never wanted to die my hair but at this rate Liam is going to make me gray by 32!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Stroller Pushing Robots

Liam is now enrolled at one of the village primary schools for kindergarten. The school is around the corner so we walk to school every morning along with everyone else. Tuesday was the first day Luci and I walked Liam to school. On the way home I was in a line of strollers walking down the sidewalk when it hit me: We look like mommy robots! A long line of stroller pushing mommy robots! I don't want to be a mommy robot! As soon as the weather is warmer Luci will be going to school in a carrier so I don't have to be in the Mommy Robot line!

Friday, January 7, 2011

My Strange and Funny Birth Story

**Disclaimer: If you have a weak stomach, plan to have children in the future and would like to stay blissfully unaware, are a man, or don't like over sharing DO NOT READ THIS BLOG POST!

Consider yourself WARNED!

After 9 (OK I think it really works out to 10) months of wonderful pregnancy it was time to meet my little girl. At least we hoped she would be a girl since the pink monster threw up in our house. Mike and I were a little worried because Liam had been wishing hard he would end up with a little brother despite the ultrasound.

I decided to try to have a natural and drug free childbirth pretty early on in my pregnancy. Mike thought I was insane and really didn't think I would do it. My competitive side really wanted to try since I have so many friends that have multiple times.

We headed to the hospital on Wed morning around 1:30am and I had been having pretty good contractions for most of the day. The nurses got me all hooked up and checked me...and sent me home an hour later. Before I left they asked if I would like something to help me sleep. I hesitated because I have gotten a drunken Ambien phone call from my sister before but decided to go for it. BIG MISTAKE!

I took a shower when we got home to "stimulate labor" and ended up having hallucinations that Liam's bakugons were rolling around in the bottom of my shower. Then I saw a cartoon'ish smurf like village next to my bed. Ambien is one of those drugs you can't fight. You have to go to sleep or crazy things will happen...contractions wake you crazy things happen! I am pretty sure Mike thought I was loosing it.

At 6Am I got Mike up so we could head for the hospital again. I knew these contractions were stronger and I figured I would be admitted as soon as they checked me...WRONG! Although I was 4cm they nurses told me they wouldn't admit me yet and to go walk around for an hour or two!!?? Thankfully everyone was at work so Mike and I walked up to the Systems Office and hung out with our "peeps." The whole time we were there I was having strong back to back contractions. Even Mike was surprised how fast they were coming and how long they were lasting. I think I told him it wasn't fun anymore at one point.

When we headed back to L&D I hopped on the birthing ball for a while until that wasn't fun anymore. By then my contractions were causing some hee'ing and hawing and I told Mike I was ready for some drugs. The pain was way worse this time around then with Liam. Then to my amazement my water broke while I was having a contraction in the middle of my room. Mike got a nurse and she said the Dr. would be in soon. Soon wasn't soon enough! By the time he came in I was 6cm and they FINALLY admitted me and took my blood work. If you have had a baby you know you can't get an epidural until the blood work comes back. The Dr. told me I was going to have this baby before the blood work could be done but he could give me some narcotics and phenegrin (because the drugs make you sick and yes I know I can't spell!) to help with the pain. I said YES PLEASE...but I didn't realize that drug combo would turn me into a sleepy and loopy crazy!

If you are ever in this situation I recommend avoiding the drug combo. It actually doesn't help with the pain it just relaxes you and makes you sleepy. That's fine in most all cases but not in this situation. From what Mike and my nurse told me I would have a contraction and then my head would fall on my pillow and I would snore till my next contraction. Then I would ask if the last awake phase happened because it seemed like a dream. Mike and my nurse got a huge laugh at me! I also apparently kept asking when the drugs would kick in and take the pain away...which it never did.

When it was time to birth my baby I was in screaming mode. When it was time to push I kept saying it hurt to which my Dr. told me "The contractions hurt so you might as well start pushing." To which my response was to push and SCREAM. He told me screaming worked too! During the pushing I also asked Mike why we decided to do this again...and he quickly responded "So I can get a Land Rover remember!" Then the best silly moment of my labor... While I was pushing Mike said "She has a head of black hair!!" To which I SCREAMED NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!

Lucille Kate LeCroy was born at the exact moment I predicted. 3 days before her due date at noon. I really wish I would have put some money on that down at the bookie. She's tinier than her brother was just like my midwife predicted and has the tiniest perfect head. She is the sweetest little thing in the whole world and I am glad my hubby changed his mind about having #2. 4 yrs ago I was sure Liam would be our only one.

I would not have a natural labor again even though I felt so much better after this birth than with Liam. If you knew me after I had Liam you would know I was out and about the day we came home from the hospital so it isn't saying much. I just feel better this time and not so puffy and fluffy.

Luci is perfect and I can't wait to see what the future holds for my family of four!