Tuesday, April 28, 2009

3 yr. Check Up

With every birthday comes a trip to the doctor to get weighed and measured. Liam's statement to the nurse was "no shots please!" When I looked at the chart and figured out he didn't need any he danced around in his little gown singing "no shots, no shots ya ya ya!" He cracks me up! He passed all his little cognitive tests with flying colors and even gave the eye chart a shot. Liam found it amusing to make up shapes. He is in the 44Th percentile for his weight at 31lbs and only 14Th percentile for his height at 36 1/4 inches. The doctor is a little concerned about his height and suggested we start giving his miracle grow and hanging his by his toes at night. If all that doesn't help in 6 months we will have to get lifts for his shoes. The Dr. seemed to be OK with his weight even though it was a little below average. He said maybe I shouldn't fix so many balanced meals!

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Birthday Success!

Liam's birthday party was a great success full of family, friends and fun! Both sets of grandparents came into town again this year for the party. I have a feeling this will be a yearly trip at the request of the only grandson! Liam loves his Mema, MiMi, Papa and Popcorn and is beside himself when they are all around and the center of every one's world! He must get his need for being the center of attention from Mike! (hhahahahahaha)
The cake turned out pretty well. I really should not have procrastinated and spent more time focused on it than shopping with the mom's. Overall though, I can not complain! I was working on the cake till 11 pm the night before the party. But, I needed to make pico de Gallo and potato salad so I wasn't in bed till midnight. Next time I won't cook when tired because my potato salad and pico were both under seasoned! I would have been kicked out Top Chef for sure!
I just wanted to thank everyone for coming and sharing this special day with our family. (Don't worry you will all still be getting thank you cards! I'm not that cheap!) Hopefully everyone had as much fun as Liam.
And next year, hopefully someone will remember to get a big family picture! Not one picture of all of us...or even a picture of Mike, Liam and I! Guess we need to start hiring a photographer! hehhee

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

LeCroy Adventures

Mike called me one morning and asked if Liam and I would meet him for lunch. In the past this wasn't a big deal. Mike worked 10 minutes from our house and could come home for lunch if he wanted. He is now working 45 minutes from our house. Liam was game for a little adventure and it was a chance to go to a new park. We had fun and that is what really matters.

"Homemade" Pizza

One of my favorite foods in the World is Pizza! When I lived with my parents Friday night was always pizza night and I got into making it all from scratch! My Aunt Linda's neighbor in Virginia Beach was the most amazing Italian woman! Lillian lived right next door and every memory I have of spending time in Virginia Beach at my Aunt's house involves Lillian. She was the type of neighbor people dream of having. She's hilarious, a FABULOUS cook, and great company on the front porch. I was so sad when she moved to Florida! Any who! Lillian gave me her pizza dough and sauce recipe when I was young. I made it a few times and then started adding my own flare. I think I became quite the pizza maker. When I went off to college my cooking and baking ended. Now that I am a Domestic Goddess and I cook often I love making my own pizza rather than spend $20 every Friday.

Shortcuts are always nice and I have a few to share. For the "homemade" dough I use Rhodes White Bread dough from the freezer section of your grocery store. I always find mine at Walmart. Three loaves of dough for usually $2.50. One loaf of the dough is enough to make a couple pizzas. See the pictures above. All pizzas came from one dough "ball". I also make my own sauce. Store bough sauce would be fine but I am not a fan. I simply use one can of diced tomato and one tiny can of tomato sauce. If you prefer a smooth sauce with no chunk action use one can of tomato sauce. There is always sauce leftover and it's great on pasta.
You will also need some olive oil, garlic (1 or 2 cloves finely chopped), little Italian seasoning, salt, pepper, fresh basil, and red pepper flake if you like a little kick. Heat a little Olive oil over medium/medium low. Add the Italian seasoning, red pepper flakes and garlic. Do not let the garlic brown. After the garlic cooks for a few seconds add your tomatoes and stir. Reduce heat to simmer and let it cook away for a little while. After it reaches a thickness you like, taste and season to your taste. I Chiffonade my basil and add to sauce off the heat. Stir in and let the sauce sit and come down to room temp before using.
Another secret: I use a pampered chef baking stone. I do not own the pizza stone but I use my large bar pan. I put my stone in the oven and then heat my oven to around 425-450. Have all your ingredients ready. Shape your dough, open oven and place dough on the stone and then add sauce and toppings. Bake for around 5-10 min. Just keep an eye on it. Enjoy!
Hope these shortcuts work for you and that you enjoy!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Easter...Just a Little Late!

Sorry to be so behind! I wanted to post some pictures from Easter Weekend. Liam had a blast and so did Mike and I. We took Liam to the Easter egg hunt at Perdido Kids Park and Liam was very successful. He and Mike got in quick and got out with 30 eggs full of candy. It amazed me how many people rolled into the egg hunt at 10:15 and wondered why all the egg were gone! Liam also got a bumble bee painted on his hand and then we headed to the beach! Every Easter should end with a trip to the beach.

The pictures are a little out of order. It really bugs me how that always happens! Also, please note Liam's pumpkin. We needed something big to put eggs in but closed enough to prevent egg stealing from grabby kids! Liam suggested the pumpkin and it worked great. He was the only kid with a pumpkin!

Yummy Yum Cornbread

Sorry I haven't really made any posts lately but the birthday prep and laziness have been keeping me busy! This morning has been spent baking the first of many cakes. A girlfriend let me borrow a 14*14*2 3/4 cake pan that is awesome! I really didn't want to have to buy a large cake pan just for this occasion especially since I have no place to store another pan! I did some not to perfect calculations and figured two cake mixes should be enough...think again! So I might have to make more than two cakes, but we'll see!
I have a lot of post ideas and want to get them written before I forget. This will be one of probably three posts containing some of my favorite yummy recipes. Growing up I was NEVER a fan of cornbread. The only cornbread I had ever had was usually pretty dry and just...blah! No offence to anyone that has ever served me cornbread over the years! Once Mike and I started living together I got into trying new stuff. I believe I saw Paula Deen make cornbread along the lines of this recipe and I thought...that looks yummy! I don't really use a recipe but I am sure there is one exactly like what I am about to write. This is by no means an original and I do not take credit for it's creation!

You will need:
1 box Jiffy corn muffin Mix
1 8.5 oz can cream style corn
1 egg
1/2 c. sour cream (more or less)
1 c. shredded pepper jack cheese (use whatever cheese you love. add more or less per your taste)

Blend all ingredients and pour into pan or muffin pan. Bake till golden brown. (15-20 min)

**The jiffy box calls for 1/3 c. milk. You will more than likely not need any of it due to the addition of the cream style corn. But if your batter seems a little too tight add as needed.

This cornbread always turns out moist and the addition of the cream corn adds great texture and the cheese adds gooey yumminess! Enjoy!

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Catch Up Soon!

Sorry I haven't posted anything new this week. Liam and I have been going to lots of play dates and playing at the parks when we don't have play dates. Pensacola has more beautiful, well maintained parks than any city I have lived. Belpre, OH could learn a few things! Maybe there wouldn't be so many fat kids and adults if there were a few more nice parks to play!
The build up to Liam's birthday is starting to intensify! I will start on the cake next week and the grandparents start arriving on Thursday. This year both sets of grandparents have to stay in hotels due to our lack of room. Works out well for everyone! HAHAHA!
The simple menu is planned and the grocery shopping will commence this weekend. I also practiced the painted chocolates yesterday and they turned out great. Now I just have to make a bunch! Birthday's are so fun and I love every aspect! I can't wait for the day that I can profit from my love of planning and making pretty things!

Friday, April 10, 2009

My Opinion...

Please read the story about Biden's Dog before you read my blog enrty.

Lots of people make my blood boil but this story really got to me. Yes, people should save animals from shelters but some people aren't up for the guessing game that comes with some shelter animals. I don't believe in puppy mills and I can't stand the mall pet shop, but I do not fault people for choosing to go to a breeder for their animal of choice. Last time I checked this was a free county (well it was before the socialists took office). With the freedom of America, comes the freedom to choose lots of things. If I choose to pay top dollar for a dog that is my right. Is it wrong to buy a brand new BMW instead of saving a used car from that sleazy lot down the street? Should I by pass shopping at the mall so I can save something from the thrift store?

In my 28 years, I have owned some rescue animals and some animals purchased from a breeder. They were all loved equally and were a part of our family. Let's stop bothering people because we don't like who they bought their dog from and worry more about the state of our Country.

One last parting thought. Please know when you support PETA you are supporting animal KILLERS! That's right folks! While we lived in Virginia Beach, a bunch of PETA people went around to shelters to "SAVE ANIMALS" from being destroyed. Where were those poor animals found? In a dumpster in North Carolina. There are lots of wonderful people in this World saving animals. Support them...not PETA!

The LeCroy Challenge- Week 1

The first week of our family challenge is coming to an end. It has been a little tough but we have done a great job. Liam is still wondering why we are driving by McDonald's without getting nuggets! Thursday night we did decide to make a teeny tiny cheat and go out for an ice cream cone. We only went out because I had a coupon for a buy one/get one free. Liam really enjoyed the treat and so did we!
To help us out I created the diner menu to put on the fridge. Gave me something to do and it looks cute! Who knew I had a menu wizard on my computer!
I hope next week goes as well as this week. Stay tuned to find out.

Party Invites

This is a picture of Liam's birthday invitations. I did that super cool wording on the icomic program on my macbook. Took me a couple days to figure it out and get it they way I wanted, but I think it looks pretty sweet! Graphic designer I am not! Found some fun "Monster Traction" stickers and there you have it! Forgot to take a picture of the flip side. I managed to steal some super cute wording from the internet:

Let’s get it in gear to celebrate
Liam’s 3rd year!

We’ll play some games and eat cake too.

We look forward to spending this special
time with you!

Stay tuned for more!

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Planning Has Begun!

  Liam's third birthday is fast approaching.  It's hard to believe that my tiny baby is going to be 3!  Birthdays are super special in my book and I like to go all out!  Last year we had a safari themed party with easily 15-20 kids plus parents. This year, like most everything else, we are downsizing on the number of people.  No fun will be compromised in the downsizing of this party!
  This year's theme came straight from Liam.  He has made up his own term "Monster Traction" to explain anything cool with big tires.  Daddy's jeep, Papa's truck, Tractors, etc.  When asked what he wanted his birthday to be about this year he was quick to say "Monster Traction!"  I designed the invitations and ordered a monster truck pinata.  Now I am on to menu planning and cake conception.
  Liam has made the request for a "Monster Traction" cake.  I tend to be a little TOO ambitious sometimes and told him I would make him a monster truck cake.  I have practiced once but it really didn't look like my vision.  Please keep your fingers crossed that it will all work out.  And keep your fingers crossed for nice weather.  Our new rental is way too small to have more than 6 people inside! hahaha! Not sure what my back up plan is yet!
  Keep your eyes out for future posts on the construction of "Monster Traction" cake! 

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Real Housewives of...

  I love the Real Housewives of New York and think it's 100 times better and dramatic than Housewives of OC.  Tonight they showed the preview for R. H. of New Jersey!  I have always heard people joke about Jersey mall hair and I am looking forward to seeing it in it's natural habitat.  Couldn't they have gotten a little further from New York for the next series though?  Aren't some of the R. H. of New York ladies from Jersey?
  Hopefully they will start casting the Real Housewives of Pensacola soon so I can get in on that series.  Think they would be interested in my idea for "The Real Playgroups of ..."  Most Americans do NOT understand the real work that goes into planning a play date or the dynamic personalities that make up the average playgroup.  Plus, there's always some kind of underlying Drama!  Anytime there are more than 5 women in a group there is bound to be drama.  Hell, we are women and we could do what every other "reality" show does and create us some good momma drama!
  Fingers crossed!  

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

I Have a Husband?

  Have you ever been a single, married mommy?  In the last 5 years I have had a whole lot of experience as a single married person and mommy.  Before Liam came along it was a lot of fun and I never really noticed Mike was gone till bedtime.  I lunched and dined with friends, shopped, and traveled.  Once Liam came along the appeal faded fast!  I know a lot of military mom's who have to deal with deployments every six months and they don't get to see their hubby's at all, so I can't complain that I got to see Mike every once in a while!  But it still sucks!  Especially when you didn't marry a military guy for this exact reason! hahahah!  
  Mike is finally home and now I have had to start the adjustment period.  Getting used to feeling someone else in my bed, being woken up early by an alarm clock and shower, cooking a full dinner, and dealing with Liam's behavior changes!  For some reason Liam does a complete 180 when Mike is home.  He refuses to sit and eat dinner because he knows he can scam Daddy into giving him a snack before bed.  The eye rolling and being mean to Mommy, braking established rules, and being different.  It's hard to train a husband to be a hard ass when he is all mush on the inside! hahahaha!  I have to hand it to him though because Mike is finally using the naughty corner and Liam's world is crashed when Daddy puts him there!
  To all those Single Married Mommies out there stay strong!  It will come to an end one day...and then the waiting for him to leave so you can get everything back to the way it was begins! hahahahaha!  Sometimes I think it's easier when they aren't home, but it sure is nice to not be alone.

Monday, April 6, 2009

The LeCroy Challenge

  One of my favorite things in the whole world is eating out.  Food has always been a love and passion of mine and almost lead me to culinary school.  Over the last 7 years Mike and I have eaten all over and even in a few countries.  When we were living in Virginia Beach, it wasn't unusual for a friend to call me about to ask for a restaurant recommendation.  But times are lean these days and the economy is in the tanker.  Unfortunately for me the budget won't allow me to support my favorite local establishments.  
  Today is the first day of our family challenge.  We have pledged to not eat out for a whole month!  Stick around to see if we can stand strong!

**Disclaimer- My parents and in-laws will be coming into town at the end of the month for Liam's birthday. So we are not counting FREE eating out! :)

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Free and Fresh Kumquats?

Today we made a wonderful discovery in our backyard. Finally an upside to this rental home! The neighbors behind us have a kumquat tree along their fence line behind their outbuilding. Mike and I noticed it while we were along the fence pulling on some nasty vines that are taking over some trees. When we looked up we saw little orange prizes hanging on one of the trees. The three of us proceeded to grab the ones we could reach. It's sad that this tall, beautiful kumquat tree is hidden away behind our neighbors building. There is no way these people can get to the tree because of all the nastiness. So, is this stealing? Or simply taking advantage of a wonderful situation?

Friday, April 3, 2009

The Great Pee Off

Today was one of those days you wish you had your camera! Liam is in the throws of potty training and has been doing really well so far. His buddy Bryce has been an official BIg Boy for a while now and Liam likes to keep up with him as much as possible. Liam and Bryce managed to "mark" at least 4 trees while at the park today. If Byrce had to go Liam followed. Byrce even stood there and cheered Liam on a few times. They were so hillarious! Must be nice to be a boy!

The Not So Great Substitute

  Every day we are confronted with how unhealthy we all are and how we all need to change! Change how we cook, eat, exercises.  If you know me very well you know how much I love junk food and fast food.  It's SO tasty!  Who doesn't like McDonald french fries?  Yummmmmm! Back to the point.  
  When I cook I try to cut out the good stuff where I can without effecting to yummy factor.  Egg beaters are a staple in our house and I use them in everything with no adverse affects.  Today, while making banana nut muffins, I decided to substitute applesauce for the oil.  I have seen it done and recommended over and over.  How bad could it be?  I first tried this in funfetti cupcakes.  Mike and I could tell the difference but Liam was none the wiser.  My biggest indicator that they were different you ask?  The cupcakes wouldn't come out of their little papers.  I could not figure out what I had done wrong.
  Today I found my answer...NO OIL!  Clever me and my applesauce practically ruined my banana nut muffins.  The beautiful little muffin made with love refuses to be freed from it's paper!  Today was the first day I have cussed at a muffin.  Sad isn't it?  No longer will I be substituting while baking just to cut fat.  There are some things you just shouldn't mess with!