Sunday, February 13, 2011

Mel Reviews

When our family moved overseas I soon realized that some of the websites I frequent didn't ship to APO AE addresses. AE is the address designation given to American Military in Europe. There are tons of large company websites like Gap, Walmart, Kohl's that do ship to us but many smaller sites do not. Even Target is very limited on what they will ship to us. Shipping to an APO AE address doesn't cost anymore than shipping to any other part of the US. Postage is paid to ship the package to New York with the USPS and from there the military takes over. There are so many deal websites now like , and Gilt ships to us and they are very quick and I normally don't have to pay postage, Mamabargains will also ship here most of the time but Zulily does not and that makes me VERY sad! Thankfully I have a wonderful mom that lets me ship to her house and she sends it on but not everyone is so lucky.
I recently decided to start promoting great companies that ship to us and have great products. Plus I was recently turned down as a reviewer for a mommy review blog because of my location. Honestly I don't think they were thinking. The excuse used was the companies they review for don't ship overseas but I wonder if they checked it out. OK so I am a little bitter!
In the near future I plan to start my own mommy review blog geared especially for the AE mom. Companies don't realize that the majority of us shop online and appreciate those who ship to us. Maybe I can even get companies to send me products but that isn't why I am on this mission. If you happen to have a company you love let me know. Keep an eye out for reviews.

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