Sunday, July 18, 2010

Breaking Records

I have set some new personal bests:
  1. Gained 10lbs in 16 weeks (at least I have pregnancy to blame)
  2. Done 0 loads of laundry in 2 weeks (thanks honey for picking up a little of my slack)
  3. Ignored the crumbs on the kitchen floor for 2 weeks.
I am pretty sure there are other records that were recently broken but I think embarrassment is blinding me. Sunday has been spent doing some serious cleaning and at least the ground floor is worthy of guests. Sometimes we have to admit our flaws publicly so we can be shamed to take care of things.

My sister Megan visited with us for almost 2 weeks and we had a great time. She left us on Saturday and Liam has asked when she is coming back. He really doesn't think she needs to see any other countries. 

Lightning Tiger is 16 weeks along and doing well. We will have our ultrasound at the end of August and hopefully we will see a healthy little being and find out the sex. Mike is positive it's a boy and I am leaning toward girl due to some differences in this pregnancy. I hope it's not a boy because we have not been able to agree on boy names! Mike comes up with some very crazy names.

Till next time!

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